경쟁력 (Competitive Edges)설계에서 부품제조까지 모든 것을 One-Stop시스템으로 저비용으로 안정적인 부품 제조
(We are an one stop manufacturing company where cost effective production at highest quality is our number one priority with no room for an error. To achieve this process, we handle from early stages of drawing to final production all in house with team of highly trained experts in the field. We are small enough to care and accommodate smallest orders with all sorts of complications and high degree of difficulties without a hefty prices that our competitors will charge but big enough to handle high volumes at lowest prices. We handle and manufacture using highest quality materials on demand) |
부품소재 (Parts and material)타프피치동 (Tough Pitch Copper - C1100)
SNS Co Ltd | E-mail : cubar896@naver.com | TEL. +82-32-561-0076 | FAX. +82-32-567-2235
124, Hodusan-ro, Seo-gu, Incheon, Republic of Korea 22744 INCHEON SEOBU INDUSTRRAL COMPLEX 16B-4L, 17L
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