삼광삼우특수금속(주)“SNS CO.,LTD"은 1976년 설립된 “삼광특수”와 “삼우특수”의 통합회사로써,
고객과의 신뢰를 최우선으로 동관련제품(무산소동,특수합금) 및 전기부품.접점을 생산하는 전문 제조업체입니다.
"SNS"는 고객에게 최고의 품질, 제품, 연구개발과 함께 가치 창조의 혁식적인 솔루션을 제공하는데 노력하겠습니다.
끝임없는 신기술 제품을 연구하여, 항상 고객과 함께 발전하고, 성장하는 업체가 되겠습니다.
Company information SNS Co Ltd is an integrated company established in 1976 when two companies (Sam Kwang special metals and Sam Woo special metals) have merged into now SNS Co Ltd. SNS Co Ltd has grown to become one of the leading companies supplying copper and it's related products for electrical and contactors used in electrical parts. Our biggest strength and priority over the 40 years in business has always been honesty, reliability and flexibility creating a long term relations with loyal clients locally and internationally. To keep up with fast changing world and our clients demands and dynamics, we are constantly investing and developing to produce best quality products with the latest technology to create Win Win solution for our loyal clients hence made a steady progress over the 40 years in business earning a reputation to be a leader in our industry.